After not being able to find anything that caught my attention to read for years, I couldn’t put this book down. Krystal writes from her heart and I really felt her journey towards true love. An intriguing book that gives one hope.
Tamara Vos KingmaSelf - Employed
A highly recommended read, written by a very Bold, Beautiful and Brave Author.
I applaud her for sharing her personal journey of Life and Love in the wrong Lane, which so many of us can relate to.
This book definitely takes you on a rollercoaster of Life's emotions, therefore making it a very interesting and Heartfelt Book.
On completion of the book, I must say that it was very inspiring, and also a lesson learnt of how never to give up on Self-Worth and True Love.
Jessica ChandSelf - Employed
I can certainly relate to many of the life's lessons learned in this book and found myself squirming a bit as I relived them again. There were also a few moments of shouting out to the four walls "no man, don't be so silly" or "Sheesh, I'm going to have to smack that guy next time I come across him". Heartfelt and brutally honest, touching on some very sensitive areas, hopefully many women, and men, will learn from these stories and be able to avoid making the mistakes themselves. Look forward to more stories from this author
Tarryn van WykPilot and Quality Manager at FlyH2 Aerospace